Bültmann & Gerriets
more than a year in provence (Book One, #1)
von Christopher Strong
Verlag: First Class Artists
E-Book / EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM

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ISBN: 978-1-5242-4134-6
Erschienen am 22.03.2016
Sprache: Englisch

Preis: 0,00 €

0,00 €

Praise for More Than A Year In Provence
"I wish you tremendous success"
Guy Kawasaki
Author of APE, Enchantment, What The Plus.
"Christopher's truly unique adventures cycling the backroads of France are a must read for anyone who's ever dreamed of a French country life. I just hope his sequel will reveal where his paradise village is!"
Robert Reid
Reid on Travel, Lonley Planet, New York Times
"If it's true that travel broadens, this book will give you a 360° view of authentic French Country Life."
Jeff Steiner
Americans in France,Live in France
Peter Mayle started it all with "A Year in Provence." Inspiring Rick Steves, the Lonely Planet crew and all the France Travel Guidebook creators that were to follow.
One guy who was not influenced by these fine folks, was the Author of this book. Simply because, at that time, he didn't know they existed!
But not to worry. San Francisco Film Maker Christopher Strong had his own "Tour de France" dream. To spontaneously cycle the French Country backroads. With no fixed itinerary. Tasting the land and the people as well as the food and wine.
.Christopher Strong certainly isn't the first person to write a book about travelling through France by Bicycle. But he may well be the only one who's done it for more than ten years, with no money for food or accomodation. (Europe on no dollars a day!)
Relying solely on his faith in Human nature, Christopher cycled the French Country backroads with no fixed itinerary. Guided only by the sights, sounds and smells of each day. (What the french call : ''au pif'' - ''by the nose'') Each Night his faith was rewarded with genuine and sincere hospitality. And each new day filled with spontaneous adventure.
Fortunately, for us, Christopher filmed those adventures. Initally just for himself. But finally realizing the uniqueness of his experience and wanting to share it - his travels birthed a lifestyle/adventure series - ''Bicycle Gourmet's Treasures of France. '' This book -''More Than A Year in Provence'' is based on those singular adventures.
For me, what makes - ''More Than a Year in Provence '' so exceptional and important are two things : The uniqueness of his adventure. And His faith in Human nature. Never doubting that ''people will always be kind'' - Christopher experienced the proof. Each day. Each Night. For more than ten years. In a country where, when he began, he could barely speak the language.
If effect, the ''Bicycle Gourmet'' is a digital cultural anthropologist. He's returned from the field. After meeting, eating and drinking with the natives. Sharing their lives. Their hopes and dreams. Success and failures. Their uncrushable spirit. All with the intensity that briefness brings.
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